South Texas Cannon Prospect

We signed a lease in 2014 through Tracker Services regarding the South Texas Cannon Prospect. Is there any new information regarding new drilling/exploration. Our mineral rights are in Waelder, somewhere around one of the chicken farms!

Your lease is more then likely owned by Crimson/Contango. They are drilling in the area but alhave a pretty big inventory of leases so hopefully you will see some production.


I'm not sure if you have been keeping up with the Fayette County Blog or not; but, we generally post anything new in both Fayette County as well as North Gonzales County, which would include Waelder, all of which might be of interest to you. First Tracker was leasing for Enervest and in the later half of 2014 for another oil company by the name of Crimson as well. Evidently Enervest called the shots from the get go and working on some kind of shared responsibilities. To start off, Crimson drilled two wells in Fayette. One basically in Cistern and one SW of Cistern, then they permitted three wells further South on the Northern edge of Gonzales County, closer to Waelder. All three were East of Danny Vann's high fenced place. About three months ago, there was another permitted well in Fayette; but, this one was permitted by Enervest. For some reason, (just guessing) evidently Enervest was not happy with the job Crimson was doing as the drilling operator. This was the first well permitted by Enervest in our general vicinity and this was the Devine well, Fayette County, a little further East; but, still North of I-10. About a month ago, they submitted another Fayette County well on Brown Road and then a week or so ago, they permitted the second well on Brown road. I believe they are the Brown 1H and 2H. Anyway, as far I know this is it for our area. Not much information out to the general public, like you and I; but, it looks like they are drawing a big circle and testing to see which strats's might be the most productive.

Hang in there we are all wishing them well.

Thanks Bigfoot and Eric. The lease was with Enervest, and the land is in Gonzales County. I guess we’ll just wait and see.

Is there any company picking up expired leases around the smiley-Nixon area. Lease expired with Forest oil and we have land with a oil pad and wanting to see what is the chances for another company coming in and picking up the lease also have neighbors with lots of acres that would be in the pool!!