Should I be getting paid?

I signed a 5 year lease with BP in 2019 and haven’t heard anything since signing. There is a producing gas well a mile down the road from me and a new one being put in directly across the road from me. I am surely not expecting to get rich but figured I would have received some type of payment by now. Who do I reach out to so I can find this out?

Hi and welcome to the forum! In my experience, division orders generally arrive within a few months, maybe 2 or 3 months, of the first production of a well. If you post your exact property description, along the lines of "SW/4 of Section 13 in T whatever S, R whatever E, Angelina County, TX, someone here will no doubt look up what wells may include that tract of land. The permit and its survey will show what land is attributed to a well. We can check to see if the wells are horizontal or vertical, and whether your tract is indeed in the “producing unit”.

Thank you! Not sure if this is right but I’ll do my best:

Survey of 1.814 acres lying and situated in Angelina County, Texas in the Eli Gillian’s Survey, Abstract No 281. In my property records it’s listed as tract 43.1. I can’t find the other information you’re talking about though. There are lots legal descriptions and directions listed on the survey description.

Refer to the attached Rockies 1H and 4HB plats obtained from the TX RRC website (public information). There is a Tract 50 listed as 1.81 acres. If you have an ownership interest, you should contact the operator (BPX Energy) and request more details. The Owner Relations website is:

Rockies 1H Gas Unit Plat.pdf (663.8 KB) Rockies 4HB Gas Unit Plat.pdf (779.2 KB)

Thank you so much! This is what I was looking for, just not sure what it was called or where to find it. It looks like they are going right past me. The boundary cuts right at the edge of my property. :frowning: Maybe they’ll catch me next go round LOL

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