Selling Surface Rights Only

I was approached by a realtor to sell my interest in Section 13-6N-10E. The last time someone wanted to buy surface only, shortly after I turned them down I was approached to sell water. Does anyone know if anything is about to happen in this section? Thanks, Susan

M Barnes…talk to all of us. We need your professional input. I don’t like the looks of this a a mineral owner on S21/07N/10E…“sell water!” WHAT! For me: Its what is below that “tip of the Iceberg”-----so to speak, about what is ‘not’ visible or unknown…thank you …Leta C. …MONTANA

My understanding is that an OK surface owner may sell their surface water. However, since I don’t live in OK, it would be wise for anyone considering doing so to speak with an attorney regarding the wording of such a lease. Use of surface owners water vary from state to state.

Ms. Baker,

Good afternoon ma’am. There is nothing pending activity-wise in the section. There was an attempt nearly two (2) years ago in 2017 by Trinity to do a well here but was ultimately dismissed. Since then it has been all quiet. Below is a screen shot from showing the dismissal and no further activity. I hope this helps.



Water rights can be extremely valuable.