Selling mineral rights value question

Hi- I’m new to this forum and to selling mineral rights. I was offered $2500 per acre from castle rock resources. (Section 9-11N-12W

Just hoping to get some guidance on the value of these mineral rights. Does this sound right or is it a low ball offer. The first one was for $1000/acre

Thanks for your help.

You’ll need to provide the State and County you are talking about inorder for anyone to respond.

Ah sorry. I thought this was Caddo cty OK specifically. Thanks

So looking for what mineral rights are selling for in Caddo county (sec 9-11N-12W). Thanks!

I do not know what the sales offers are, but since there is a rig drilling a horizontal well in section 5/8 next door to you and another permitted, that is why your are getting offers. There is another rig in sec 33 drilling north into 28. Offers usually go out when activity is picking up in an area.

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My sister and i also, have receive an offer on selling our mineral rights on 36-7n-13w Caddo County OK. would love some guidance as well. thank you for your help.

If you have no particular need to sell your minerals, then wait and see what happens. There is a permit to drill a well in the section immediately to the south of you in 1-6N-13W, maybe someone has knowledge about pending activity in your section.

In my experience, first offers to buy are rather low, just to test the market and see if someone will bite. I just ignore them.

If you have a great need to sell, then entertain multiple offers and take the best one. Never hand over a signed deed without getting paid that day. No drafts, no promises…


Also keep in mind that you might be facing capital gains taxes which is the difference between your “basis” in the property and the selling price. You should figure out your basis in advance and plan accordingly. Consult a CPA.

This post is not legal, tax or investment advice. Reading or responding to this post does not create an attorney/client relationship.

thank you for all your help

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