Selling Interests in McClain County

We are seriously considering selling interests in Section 31-6N-4W of McClain County to Redondor Resources. Has anyone else had experience with this group? We have never sold any interests before but think this could be the right thing for us right now. What should we expect in the process?

You better have an attorney look at the sales agreement and/or contract. The one I was presented from another company was seriously slanted in their favor.

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Imagine that… slanted in their favor. :smiley:

On average, nearly any paperwork presented to mineral owners unsolicited through the mail (or phone calls, or texts etc.) are written to benefit the buyer. Important things like warranty language, get out of jail free language related to title issues, language relating to monies possibly in suspense, on and on…

It’s like anything else… get educated, be smart, and be circumspect.

“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance”… A favorite.

Is it Redondor or Redondo? There was a post earlier this basically asking the same thing about Redondo Resources. I have never heard of them but if you’re serious about selling, you might see if the operator of that section is interested. Do you know how much you own? Often, they will pay the most because they know all the important details, particularly when it might get drilled. I think those dogfish wells are here, drilled by casillas but think 89 energy is likely the operator now.

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I have no experience with Redondo. A quick search through county records it looks like they’ve had 15-20 different transactions this year. I would just recommend holding on to your original documents until you have received the agreed payment, any reputable company will have no issue with that.

These are all good suggestions and yes having an attorney look over the documents is very sound advice. I never thought about contacting the operator. That’s and interesting idea.

BTW, yes it is Redondo. Thanks for catching that.

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