Sections in Stephens county

We had the 89 energy enco offer and we all signed and sent to court now delayed and was said to be going to recieve the bonus check and that was last year in November and not a word then the lawyer said after the past due time that we are supposed to be providing them more clarity into how Clara more got the deeds and they already had that information we sent what paper work they sent us and yet we have no paper. Work from them on needing any thing else the lawyer the operator and landman said we had what we needed we even hired a another land man and he did a great service even he made sure of all legal papers had been submitted and yet we was told we should have gotten our bonus pay and no checks from them yet so is 89 enco holding out or should we continue to rally the troops and get 89 enco off the horizontal wells on 1280 acres or hold out and put clauses and add water pays and more on them how that work

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Charles, can you send me a private message? I know a couple of the 89 folks and they are good folks. I can get you in touch with who you need to talk to.

Yes if I new how to on here

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