Sections 83,84,85 activity

My family is getting crazy offers almost daily for Sections 83,84,85 in Loving County. Does anyone know what activity is going on in those Sections? Thanks!

All in Block 1, W&NW Rwy Surveys.


Good Morning and 'Welcome to Mineral Rights Forum'. All I see at this time is where Anadarko has an approved permit for a well in Block 1/Section 49 and Energen has an approved permit for a well in Block 1/Section 57. There are numerous approved locations in the area that were never drilled. Most of those cancelled/never drilled locations were from 2011 thru 2015.

GIS Map of Loving County Block 1/Sections 83, 84, 85 and surrounding area:


Clint Liles

Very helpful. Thank you.