Sections 31-15-11 and 36-16-11

I'm hoping someone can tell me what might be happening in these 2 locations in Blaine. Section 31 is leased and the lease expires in Dec. 2016. Chesapeake has been trying to keep an old well going in section 36 so it will be HBP. We have seen stakes in both locations but haven't received any notifications about possible activities. Your help is greatly appreciated.

31-15N-11W no permit yet. If it drills, probably will be Marathon Oil. They have most of the current leases. No current regulatory apps on the docket yet.

36-16N-11W Chesapeak has a pending location exception on the docket. CD# 201504282. No permit yet.

Thank you for checking. Is it usual to stake out the locations before permits are granted?

It can happen.