Section12-10N-6W Canadian County


I own minerals in Section12-10N-6W and Linn Energy has drilled 2 wells, one on the east side of the section heading south and one on the west of the section heading north. These are the Doris and the Dream Cooler wells. We haven't heard anything as far as completion reports or division orders or if they are good wells. Curious about how long does this info usually take to get out to the mineral owners? We also own minerals in Section1-10N-6W. Curious if there is any activity going on in this section too.

Thanks for any help.

Dream Cooler is drilled from a pad in the NW corner of 24 north into 13 and then 12 on the west side of the sections. Doris is drilled from a pad in 1in the far SE corner due south into 12 and 13. To get info from the OCC on them, you have to hunt for them from the surface location. Doris was spud Dec. 18, 2016 so probably finished in about February. You usually don't see anything on the OCC site for about four months for a completion.

Dream Cooler just posted its completion report (in 24) Nice well in the Mississippian. 377 bbl/day and 3987 mcd/day gas. Spud Jan 20, 2017. First Production April 1, so you won't get paid until about October or November.

I checked the OK Tax site and no production is showing up there yet. It is usually a couple of months behind as well.

Hi M. Barnes.

Thank you, I'll continue to check the OCC website to get some info on the Doris.

Concerning the Section1-10N-6W have you seen any activity or upcoming projects in this section?

Thanks Again!

Citizen has a pooling case 201601734

Citizen has a Horizontal case 201601733

Linn has a Horizontal case 201703886

Linn has a location Exception case 201703887

You can look them up on the OCC website and get all the details.

Looks like another well or two? pretty soon. I didn't open all of them.

Thank You