Section 9 and Sec 16, 14N-5W

I have small mineral interests in Section 9 and Sec 16, 14N-5W. Pooling and drilling is close but I have seen nothing in those two Sections. Is anyone aware of activity in those two Sections? Thanks so much for any information. Regards, Jim

Red Bluff Resources has filed multiple cases in those two sections. I am attaching the case numbers you need to look up on the OCC website. Check for your address. If it is not there, then contact the attorney listed. The pooling are over, so hope you were leased. If not, then they are looking for you and you have pooling money waiting.

201804866, 201804865, 201806149-pooling Section 9

201803356, 201803355. 201805157-pooling Section 16

You have two wells that have spud and had first sales recently. Carter 5-9MH was spud 7/11/18 (first sales 9/30/18), Carter 5-16MH spud 5/16/18 (first sales 10/1/18). Division orders should go out in about five months. First payments in about six months.

If you have not had any communications, then get with the Red Bluff Resources folks quickly.

Also take a look at the pooling cases to make sure that your information is correct. If not you may want to file an affidavit with your updated address.

Thanks so very much for this excellent information. I really appreciate your input. Regards, Jim

Thanks Richard for the good advice. I have recently filed a couple of Affidavits on both tracts but not in time for these latest proceedings by Red Bluff. I will attempt to contact them. Regards, Jim