Section 29, Range 20 North, Township 14 South

My father-in-law recently found out he inherited mineral rights at this location. He has received letters from Pentex and Comanche Exploration. They belonged to his father and he is the sole heir of his estate. We don’t really know much about mineral rights and are unsure how to proceed.

I found this forum and thought I would post in an effort to help him out. Perhaps there is a thread here with step-by-step instructions for someone who has recently learned that they inherited mineral rights? It looks like some folks on this forum have access to information about particular locations which might be very helpful too.

Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Welcome to the forum. Did you mean 14W? 29-20N-14W? You will find many helpful folks on the forum. The first places to start are:

1-Read the Mineral Help Tab above and get familiar with the language. 2- Have the probate documents been finished and filed? He will have to have them filed in the Major County Courthouse.
3-Do you know if there is any production? That leads you in one direction. If no production, then Comanche may be wanting to lease.
4-When you say he received letters, are they from folks that want to buy or from operators that are about to commence activity (yes on Comanche-who has permits for two wells). Comanche has already spud one of the wells, which went south into section 32. If no perforations in 29, then no royalties.
5-Do you have the exact location of the minerals? It should say something like SW4 NE4 of 29-20N-14S or similar. Two wells in the section do have production, so he may have royalties if his acreage is in the spacing of those wells.
Lots to find out.

You can search for production at It is best to only put in the legal location. No need to fill in every blank. If there has been production, you may have funds due to your father. You can search to look for funds held in escrow. You can also search the Oklahoma unclaimed property website.

Your father-in-law might need to probate his father’s estate in order to get the property put into his name. This is usually needed if royalties are about to be paid. This is usually a simple process requiring no travel or court appearances by the heirs.

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