Section 14-9N-7W

Does anyone know, or can anyone explain to me, what is going on in section 14-9N-7W? All of these court papers are so confusing! I really know nothing about this stuff.

Continental Resources is planning to drill a horizonal well there in 14 & 23. . The earlier case requests from 2017 have been dismissed, so you can clip all of the ones that start with 2017 together and put Dismissed on the front. The two important ones right now start with 2018. 201807464 requests a waiver to move the well from the center of the section over to the east side. They have to stay at least 330 feet away from the section line. 201807465 requests the multi unit Horizontal well. It will have a surface location in 14 and end in 23.

M_Barnes, Thank You!

I have 10 acres in that section under lease in 14-9N-7W that expire within the next month. Any clue what a good lease at 3/16 or 1/5 should bring in. I hope it doesn’t get held soon. It should be leaseable right?

Sections 12 and 13 are currently being pooled, so that would be the closest indicator of current public data for offers when they are released. Sec 22 pooled for $4000 3/16, $3500 1/5, $1500 1/4 and section 24 pooled for $5600 3/16, $5500 1/5, $2500 1/4. That gives you a range.

Anyone know when commencement in Section’s 14 & 23 -9N-7W may be? I have an expiring lease soon, and I have no idea if i’ll be able to lease again. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

No permit is shown yet, so depending upon your lease expiration, you may get pooled or have time to lease again. Some of the hearings are not listed until Oct 8 & 10.

Would this have any bearing to section 14-11n-7w? I have interests there and have recently been contacted to sell and I’m wondering if there is any activity planned in this section.

11N is 12 miles away from 9 north. However, if you are getting offers to sell, there is quite possibly future activity planned. I just checked that section 14-11N-7W and there is nothing posted right now, but there are multiple sections around 14 that have multiple horizontal wells.

Thank you so much for the info!