Sec 9 Blk A Upton County

I’ve been seeing significant offers lately for rights in Sec 9 Blk A of Upton County. I’m not interested in selling but I don’t see permits pulled in the area to warrant the offers. I know the offers could be a fishing expedition but am wondering if someone knows something I don’t know - likely. Pioneer is currently the only Operator on the property. Has anyone else been seeing offers in this area?

I should’ve said that by “significant” I mean over 1000x annual production. I’ve seen that from several different sources. It’s unlike any other county or property which makes me wonder what is planned for the area.

That seems like a pretty aggressive purchase offer, so it might be just a bait and switch letter to get you on the phone. I did notice some horizontal development nearby though, so maybe those well results are coming in favorably.

Hope this helps!

That was my thought as well. It didn’t work as I didn’t respond. What blocks and sections did you see the horizontal activity and are they new permits?