S5-7N-10E lease - how to search for news/leasing/permit activity?

Received an offer from a land co. to lease mineral rights in a tract in Hughes S5-7N-10E. Please advise if there is any local news or permit activity in this area and what may be a good lease bonus amount around this section. Checked wellbrowse database on OCC to no avail but please suggest other database/website to gauge new leasing/permit activity. Thank you.

The most recent pooling in the township was for $350 3/16th, so that gives you a ball park number for leases. Quite a bit of horizontal activity in the southern and eastern portion of the township, so looks like the leasing is moving your way. Make sure you get a no post production charges lease.

jerry.bohnen@radiooklahoma.net You can subscribe for free for OK Energy Today which has permits and news.

Thank you for the response and advice.

M_Barnes, I just saw this post from last year. We recently leased 5 acres in these township range. I’m pretty sure they are about to drill. Do you have any info on this?

Trinity Operations has quite a few pending cases at the OCC for this section. Here are the numbers if you want to look them up. You should be getting all of these in the mail.
201801057, and the following 1049, 1048, 1051, 1047, 1046, 1045, 1042, 1044, 1043, 3422-increased density in the SW4 if you are in that part of the section.

Hey Martha - thanks for thinking of me! We are in 30 - 5N-9E: part is in the SW4.

We were contacted April 23 by Silver Creek ((United Land Company was the landman). They offered $350, 3/16, 3 yrs + 2 yr extension.

My aunt is approaching 100 years old, and I told her to sign, thinking she might not live to negotiate another round.

My siblings signed up, before talking to me, :), but I did not.

I have not been contacted by Trinity. I wonder if I am on the pooling application at a former address and am somehow not getting that forwarded to me (I do have a forwarding address on file at the PO here in AZ). Will follow up, and thanks again!


Hi There! Good to hear from you! Let me know if you need me to look something up for you.

These Trinity filings appear to relate to areas outside of 5N 9E, so not my area, yet! Thanks again, Barbara