S33 T11N R8W - recent activity?

We have some minerals in S33 T11N R8W of Canadian County OK. A couple years ago, we benefitted from a bidding war between two producers. Our lease is up for renewal.

Wondering if there is new activity in this area, and if so who the players are.


You should have gotten the OCC case orders from Cimarex that called for a horizontal well with a location in 3-10N-8W going into section 4 and then north into section 33. The well was supposed to be the Oaks BIA 2H-0433X. I do not see a permit yet. Another well from that surface location was supposed to go from 3 north into 34-Callahan BIA 1H-0334X. That well had a permit, but it has expired.

Most everything slowed down during 2020 due to the drop in demand and the price drop. In some areas, drilling is starting to pick up again. Cimarex has filed quite a few cases in section 29, so they are active nearby with horizontal wells. Permits are in 25, 26, 36, 29, 10, 8. Maverick Brothers Resources has filed for some vertical wells in section 9. Time will tell…

Martha - thanks for the helpful info!

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