Ruth Wells, Jack County, TX

Anyone have any information on the Ruth Wells. We were getting monthly checks for the past year up until November, now nothing

Debbie, is this the ruth well property you are talking about?( shaded in yellow) I is Abstract 574 SP RR CO. I have minerals in the blue shaded area to your east Childress Survey. Waiting for Newark E&P to drill. Patrick

I'm not sure. I'm not too familiar with all this stuff. I just know its the Ruth Wells in Jack County, I think we have 2 wells going

Debbie, if you don’t mind me asking? What is the name of company on royalty check or who leased minerals from you.


Newark E&P

Pecan One,

These are possibly the wells she is asking about:

W. E. Ruth # 1----API # 237-39532

W. E. Ruth # 2----API # 237-39642

Clint Liles

Pecan One said:

if you don't mind me asking? What is the name of company on royalty check or who leased minerals from you.



I think those are her wells. Those are a couple good Marble Falls wells. I really do not know why Newark has not paid for the months in question. Have no clue why O&G Companies do what they do, maybe it is some end of year thing. I haven't seen anything going on at the Jack County Clerks office. Texasfile only has it updated to 2/1/2014. I am waiting for them to drill next door to Debbie land.


Yes those are the ones. Thanks guys. I live out here in California and am so clueless about all this stuff