RPM Exploration

Has anyone ever had any dealings with RPM Exploration, based out of San Antonio, TX?

This may be old news to you but since you haven’t gotten a response, deed records show RPM recorded a bunch of Colorado County leases in 2017 on both side of Hwy 90 from the Rock Island area into Lavaca County. Their leasing in Lavaca County extends back to 2012, but the most recent leases they recorded in either county were 2020.

RRC isn’t showing any wells permitted by RPM in either county but they could have been leasing for a third party.

The RPM name stands for the three founders, Matt Ramsey who at one time was Chairman of Sunoco and later President of Energy Transfer Partners, Steve Pawelek and Bill Maloy. Pawelek died in 2020 and Maloy may now be running the company.

Thank you for the reply. Interesting about the name.

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