Royalties from Sheridan Holding Co

I just realized my mom had Royalties in unclaimed money in Iowa. Not sure where this came from. M Barnes do you know if they drilled or brought wells in 17 2N3W or section 73N3W in Garvin Co? I appreciate any input.

17-2N-3W yes, Newfield drilled the Studdard 1H-20X in 2014 into Section 20 & 29. It is still producing. It is a multiunit well with section 20. Newfield is now Ovintiv. Since there are no perforations in section 17, you do not have royalties from it.

However, the Hays 1H-5XX was drilled from 20 north into 17, so you should have royalties from that well. Come back if you need contact info for Ovintiv.

7-3N-3W has had quite a bit of activity over the years. There are several horizontal wells.

If you have inherited, then you have some legwork to do to contact the operators. Come back and we can help.

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