Roosevelt County Lease Activity

Our interest is Township 29 North, Range 56 E.M.M. Section 23 SW1/4 and Section 26 SW 1/4. Has anyone noticed any activity in this area?

Haven’t seen any activity anyplace in eastern Mt. You would think with the price of oil something would happen. Can’t take 3 more years of this administration.

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My deepest hopes are that the Keystone pipeline will be seen as a way to swiftly deliver oil and thereby generating lease interest.

There are two Keystone pipelines. Keystone is already online and delivering US crude to the south. Keystone XL would have come out of Canada and would deliver heavy Canadian crude into southern lines. Important to distinguish between the two. Tracy Lenz has a great video about the oil business which shows the maps of the two. Use the magnifying glass icon at the upper right to find it.

Thank you for the clarity.

The Keystone maps are toward the end.

My wife and her two sisters share 1/6 of the mineral rights for the following land near Culbertson MT

Township 29 North, Range 56 E.M.M. Section 23: SW1/4 Section 26: NW1/4

Is there any way to check lease activity in this area and if so do you have contact information for protentional leasers

If they want to lease, they will find you if your name and contact information is properly filed with the clerk in the county courthouse. Leases are filed in the county courthouse, so see if they have online files.

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