Room for any more wells?

I’m trying to figure out if our sections ( 154N, R100W, Sections 6 & 7 and 154N, R101, Sections 1 and 12 are completely drilled out. I do see an empty section in the top right corner, but does anyone know how many more (if any) wells are allowed on that space? I don’t see any new permits, and we just recently received money from production of three new wells. I’m entertaining the idea of selling some rights for retirement, but need to know if there is room for more wells, or if the space is drilled up to get an idea of what to sell for.

Dont know Karla, but we have 2 sections with 7 wells - the same numbers as your 4 sections. They have been online since 2015. No news for 5 years except a hearing on 2 section line wells. It tells us that they are planning something more but no date. CLR (Zavanna has the 2 other sections) are right now drilling 11 new wells in our last section. 11-12 wells on 1280 acres are maybe the numbers in our area - but it can take years. Good luck


Nine point has already spaced for additional wells in the N/2 of Section 6. They prob drill another three gross (2.5 net because of the leaseline wells). Unclear on timing since there isn’t permitting and they inconsistently run rigs, but should ultimately have additional wells.

Thank you! Someone wanted me to consider selling my mineral rights, and said that I should consider doing so because my sections were full and no more wells would be drilled. That didn’t look right to me. He offered to buy For 400,000.

We were given more than that for a 3 year lease 7 years ago. Be careful. Don’t sell!

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