Results of spacing hearings held 09/24/18

Does OCC post the results of hearings regarding spacing, location, etc? If so, are they kept current? This was held today in Tulsa.


It can take 2-3 months to show results. Sometimes quicker, sometimes longer than that. Lawyers have to take information from hearing, put in print, present to Commission for approval, then get signed & file. Lots of paperwork.

Todd M. Baker

Yes, they are made public. You can watch them on the dockets portion of the OCC. Go to the Dockets & agendas tab. Scroll down to Dockets Results Page. They will be by date and City of the hearing. Usually a couple of weeks behind, but you can find your cause and see whether it was recommended or moved to a later date. You will eventually get it mailed to you, but you can also watch on the OCC Imaged Documents OAP Type your cause number in the case box and keep an eye open for the orders. Sometimes, you can see it there before it gets to you in the mail.