Relief wells

Can anyone tell me what is going on with section 34 township 5 north range 6 west Grady county Oklahoma. I received papers for relief wells (4) I think. On the Pauline 7-27x34h well. This letter came from OCC. I have never received letters like these before. Not sure what's going on any help would be appreciated.

Melinda, here is an OCC link that has information about what processes take place when an oil company wants to increase the number of wells in a section. Vitruvian is very active in nearby sections with 3 (within 4 miles or less of your section) rigs operating. In August they finished drilling a well in section 35, which borders the east side of your section 34. Pipe is being laid to it now and fracking won't be far behind. I do not know Vitruvian's timeline, but sounds like your section will eventually be getting 4 new wells. Congratulations!

Thank you so much for the link and information.

Is there a case number on the documents you received? The term "relief well(s)" has me a little puzzled. Most of the applications I have seen use the term "additional wells". I will have to look to see if anything has come out in the paper yet.

Yes the case number is 201504262 any help would be appreciated