Reeves county Section 187 Block 13 NRA offers

What is a fair Net Royalty Acre offer? per acre

Are the minerals undivided across the entire section or limited to the N/2, SE/2, etc.?

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Net royalty acres always confuse me. But we are two sections below you (Sec. 185) and have two wells holding part of our acreage. Our unheld acreage will become available in July. We have 1/4 of 308 acres (approx.) and have recently been offered $8000 and 25% per net mineral acre. We turned it down.

There are leases in our general area that are going from $10,000 to $15,000 at 25%.

Hope this helps. Best luck!

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There are two new wells permitted in Section 187. Primexx permitted Nimitz Unit A 186-188 which has a 2-1/2 mile lateral in December 2018. Colgate filed permit for Vanquish 187-188 on March 18, 2019. You should always look at RRC GIS viewer to see any recent well permits on your minerals before you consider selling.

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All of Section 187 Block 13 It is an NPRI interest. We are considering offers to sell.

Are you in pay status on currently producing wells, if so I don’t see a “Stanton” on the tax roll? Do you know how many NRA?

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Yes. Primexx is operating the Wrigley 187 Well. Look up Iris Hamrick on the Reeves County Tax Roll and you will see our interest. Thanks!

Thanks! I will check out the RRC website like you suggest.

Do you know of a good tutorial on the interwebs teaches how to use the RRC GIS?

thanks! Rob

Clint Liles is a pro at it.