Reeves County Section 174 Block 13

Hello, I"m new to the forum and wondering if anyone can provide information about section 174 block 13? Any information on lease/sale prices in this area as well as activity would be very helpful!! Thank you so much!

Hello Jeni,

I see no activity in this immediate area since 2014-2015. There are several producing oil/gas wells to the East 4 to 7 miles. This link is to Production Data on well 389-33638(Wolfcamp formation) about 4 miles to the East of your Section 174. The company that drilled this well was Atlantic Exploration, LLC.

The operator now is Centennial Resources.

The 2 major producers/operators in this area in 2014-15 were Atlantic Exploration, LLC and Brigham Resources. I checked production on several of these wells to the East of your Section 174 and they are very decent wells. As far as leasing in this area at the present time I can not help you there.

GIS Map of Reeves County Section 174/Block 13 and surrounding area:


Clint Liles

Thank you for the response Clint, this is very helpful!!