Reeves County Min. Leas

Has anyone in Reeves County or the Southern Delaware received any mineral oil and gas lease offers? I would like to know in general for all Reeves; but specifically around blk 55.

Block 55 or Section 55?

I’m interested in Reeves wide offers to get my bearings but to answer your question it’s block 55. (Between 2903 and Highway 17 and south of I20, if your familiar with the county.)

Looks like the only company that recorded leases in Blk 55 during the past year was Espuela Energy and they were all in Sec. 10, T5. Since the State owned an interest in the tracts they leased the full lease agreements were recorded. They had bonuses ranging from $6,500 to $9,000/acre on a 3 year term with 25% royalty. Looks like Espeula also took an assignment last year of leases covering acreage in Sections 2, 12, 18 and 22 of Blk 55.

Below is a link to the site where you can do a free search of the Reeves County deed records. Enter the date range you are interested in seeing and put Blk 55 in the search box to pull up everything that’s been recorded.

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