Recent Oil Activity

I got an offer on a Marienfeld 13-24 property in Martin County TX, curious if their is any recent activity there? offer was for $49,500 per NMA applicable to 25% royalty.

I don’t see any new activity in Section 13-24 but I see newer wells to the West and to the East. I counted a total of 17= 2miles laterals in 13-24 and room for possibly room for a few more wells. These Marienfeld wells were drilled in 2018-19.

GIS map of Martin County Section 13-24/Block 36T1S:


Marienfeld 13-24 is the name of a horizontal well that was just completed. Don’t sell. Look for your division orders instead. It’s sitting in a really good place.

I could be wrong, I don’t think there is any well that was just completed there. I’m more/less with Clint, looks like there are 16 active producers there. I kind of doubt any more wells get drilled, at least not for a good long while.

All 16 of those wells made a combined 115kbo in September 2021. It’s a whole bunch of current production. They’ve made 4.7 million barrels total. Are you not getting paid by Pioneer right now?

Cause if you are, well… that is why you are being offered $24,750 per NRA. And if you are not, well you might want to figure out why you are not.

Are you leased? Those wells are going through edge of Stanton and there could be all sorts of wacky stuff going on with a bunch of tiny tracts.

We have been receiving some really high offers lately for our rights. They have been from many companies but from mostly from the same 4 lately. The property is SE/4 Sec 4 Belk 37. I have been told that there has been some activity near there but not on our property . I have also been told by someone in the legal dept of an oil/gas company that unless we need the money to hang on to the rights.

Nancy, after checking I find that Pioneer Natural Resources has 5 approved permits as of February 2021 for wells next door to the East in Sections 3 and 10(2 mile laterals) All 5 of these wells were spud(begin drilling) in July 2021. Spraberry is the targeted formation. API #'s 317-43171, 43172, 43173, 43174 and 43175. There are some good oil/gas wells to the West and South West of Your minerals…Be patient.–yTa_AX5a5F5dAgAA

Martin County Section 4/Block 37 T1S/A-642 and surrounding area:


Thank you Clint. Yes, I have been told the same by an interested party. I appreciate your note and diagram.

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