Received DO-what next?

You could look at annual production numbers for nearby producing wells. The gas price per mcf has been 2-3.50$ per mcf (December 2018 was above 5$ :slight_smile: ). So an annual production number times say 3$ per mcf times your decimal interest, would be an annual estimate of possible income. Of course, production costs may be deducted, based on your individual lease terms.

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link to Document on the Owens 3 well 47-096-02326 Go to page 13 (plat) and page 14-15 (list of leases involved). Iā€™ll give the link to the website later. This is probably the original lessor. I looked up the lease listed on the pooling document (Book 487 page 204) and it does not give much information about Ridgetop Capital except that they acquired it at Book 385 page 781. This says that Ridgetop acquired it from Randall Tope and wife in Book 385 page 781. which has several tracts involved. You should probably look at those and see if you recognize any names. I donā€™t understand this but havenā€™t looked too far into it. To get the first doc I talked about, go to the WV Office of Oil and Gas website WV Office of Oil and Gas and select the first item ā€œGeneral Informationā€ from the list on the left. Then go down to find ā€œWeekly Reportsā€.
Find in the middle of the page " Link to ApplicationXtender" and you probably will need to log in. That page tells you what to use: To login to ApplicationXtender: User Name: DEP Password: DEP When you get there, select " PERMITSOOG" from the bottom of the items on the left. To enter the well number ā€œAPIā€ use the prefix 47 then 095 for Tyler then 02326 for Owens 3. I looked at PERMIT - APPROVED (the link I started with) then looked at PERMIT - APPROVED - MODIFICATION and found that they extended the lateral to include your unit. If that doesnā€™t give you a headache (haha!) you should pick up some more information. Maybe you can find some names you recognize. Also look around in the CCSI for Edwin C Weigle or others with that last name. I am unsure of the connection between the Weigle name on the Permit document (see above page 14) and the Ridgetop name on the pooling document.

And to the comment about the production starting in Sept 2018, you eventually will get paid for that as has been stated elsewhere. The first check will likely be the biggest. Remember to save some of it for taxes (income tax for WV and the Federal and your home state, if you have income tax and if it is enough to need to report. Find out about who is paying property tax in Tyler county for this. Here is a link Tyler county tax inquiry Put in some names you might know and see if you find anything familiar. That can get into a whole new discussion!

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Julie1, we have the same parcels as you do - is there a way to pm you?