Ratification of Unit & Oil and Gas Leases (Alpha State-WC Unit)

My friend is being asked to sign a document titled as above for a plot of land in Reeves County, Texas. As of yet, she has not seen a lease to indicate she has participatory rights in that property from her dad (who died about 13 years ago and divorced her mom and remarried decades before that). Is there any problem with her signing this ratification while I help her find out whether she is named on a lease? I presume a landman tracked her down and thus is asking for her signature.


 In my opinion, your friend should take pause before signing Any document.  If some other entity is asking for her signature on any document he/she presents is absolutely a profound "NO"!!  I would  suggest that she hires a landsman to do some research on the property in question.
 This will not be a major investment on her part and may guide her to rights she may actually own.

My best regards,

Stephen Watkins

Thanks for the input, Mr. Watkins.

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