Question regarding Office of State Treasurer - OK

My cousins and I (six of us total) have hired an attorney in Oklahoma whom I believe has been doing a pretty decent job for us. We had found that we "owned" a lease that none of us had been aware of previously and he helped us get this all straightened out.

We are now dealing with the State's unclaimed money department. My cousin was informed via telephone that there was money being held in my grandfathers name, though no amount would be disclosed. Our attorney submitted claims for each of us all at the same time. The packet include death certificates an other paperwork.

Now almost a year later we have been informed that "...the file is currently at our attorney general’s office for further review." There is no deadline for a decision.

Is this common? Has anyone else had this happen? If so what was the outcome.

Thanks for any info anyone can supply.

Had similar experience. Submitted a claim for an unknown/undisclosed amount. State Treasurer wanted more proof so sent copies of the documents and they assigned a person to the case. Now we've had no reply for several months and have had no reply to the last request for status. I doubt that much money is involved in our case so we're not very concerned about the reply. However, last year there was a fairly large sum of money from our grandfathers estate from an unknown mineral royalties account. We are in CA and bargained with an investigator in Oklahoma who engaged a lawyer to settle and probate the case. That case took more than 6 months to completely settle, the lawyer got the funds released from the OK State Treasurer and mailed each of us a check minus their fees. That's about all I can tell you.

Yep they kept asking for more paperwork from us as well. LOL...maybe it is because some of us (my sister and I) are from CA as well. and yea, we have no clue how much is there. Guess I'm sort of glad to know that we aren't the only ones they do this to but is very frustrating.

Well after several months with no word from anyone my sister let me know she had received a check! It was about a week later that the rest of us got ours. But finally done with that whole process!

I finally gave up on them. We supplied copies of Social Security card, Drivers license, family trust, and just about everything else I can think of and then no reply. Have no idea of what amount is involved but I guess they will just keep it since we evidently haven't satisfied everything that they want.


Not sure of your circumstances but myself and six others are spread out all over the country. We ended up hiring an attorney who was right there in OK. He was somewhat surprised as well that it went the way it did but after waiting several months the state finally pulled through. One thing that did happen was that when the claims were initially submitted the attorney submitted all at the same time with all the same paperwork. But...needless to say they got separated with several different people looking at them. when we didn't hear anything from the attorney or the state for some time I ended up calling the unclaimed property department. Luckily I ended up talking with a wonderful woman who provided me with all of our claim numbers. I explained that basically they were all one claim and should be handled as one to which she agreed. she is the one that put them all together which I honestly think truly helped. This was before they got sent to the attorney general. Again it took them several months but finally pulled through. while a couple of my cousins wanted to throw in the towel and forget about it I chose to not let go.

Maybe I'll send them a letter or give them a call to see what happened. Thanks for telling me about your experience.

I would give them a call. Never know where the letters end up. be sure to have everyone's names at hand. They may or may not give you information regarding the other claims. Make sure to write all claim numbers down if you get them!

Good luck!

Who was the attorney. I need a referral

John B. Wimbish

Riddle & Wimbish, P.C.
5314 South Yale, Suite 200
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74135
(918) 494-3770 ext. 205
(918) 492-5264 fax