Qualified Oil & Gas Attorney in San Augustine County, TX

Hello, Does anyone have a qualified Oil & Gas Attorney in San Augustine County, TX? Thanks!

You can observe qualified professionals (often with localized expertise) who provide services to mineral owners right here on The Mineral Rights Forum. You will notice them among 3 different instances on the site:

  • in display image ads and/or brief text ads on site

  • in our Mineral Service Provider Directory in the main navigation above. These are arranged by professional discipline.

  • as a Business Member participating in many conversations throughout the site (note the blue colored “B” on their picture and blue text on their posts).

These practitioners are often able to provide the specific (and often localized) services that meet your needs.

The Mineral Rights Forum Administration

You don’t have to have an Attorney from that County, Just one in Texas will be able to help you. As the Admin suggested in a previous post, use the directory at the top of this site to find one. I have used Eric Camp out of Ft Worth Texas and also have talked with Wade Caldwell about issues that needed to be taken care of for me in Texas. Hope this helps. MK

I have and currently use Eric Camp as well.

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I have personally used Judi Wells from Skelton, Slusher, Barnhill, Watkins, and Wells. Another option is Rebecca Brightwell of Rebecca C. Brightwell, P.L.L.C. Both from the Lufkin area.

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