Pyote Flats 1H, Ward County, Texas

This well was drilled by Jagged Peak, first production 4-18-2015. Can anyone tell me anything more about it? Thanks. Linton

There are three Pyote Flats leases with "1H" wells. The RRC only shows permits so the operator either hasn't turned in their completion report or the RRC is just behind, I would bet on the latter. If you have an interest in the well you should be able to get an answer to your questions by calling the operator.

The abstract number on mine is A-1250. Do you happen to know the abstract numbers on those other two by any chance, Jordan? My computer is fried so I can no longer look them up. Thanks bunches for your help. Linton

The other wells are located in A-525 and A-798. There's also a permit in Section 8, Block 33. That well in A-1250 did 47k barrels from April to May, nice!!!

That helps me a lot, Jordan. I own minerals in that A-798, also. I’m assuming 47,000 barrels in that amount of time is good by your exclamation! I don’t know much about production yet, I’m still learning. I’ve learned a lot about leases, but glad I’m now going to get to learn about production, I hope. Thanks again for all your help. Linton

Here you go, Linton!

No Completion Report or Initial Potential Report has been submitted for it yet, but 42-475-36858, Your Pyote Flats 98-34 No. 1H, appears to have come in at 1,174.2 BOPD and 1,349.4 MCFD.

I don't know what your interest is, or what tract it is in, but even at today's prices, you may now have permission to stop letting all of us Little People pester you.

Oh, and the three No. 1H's is interesting but, depending upon what lands you have interest in, you might find the Whiskey River 98-34 No. 2H a whole lot more interesting.

Hope this helps -


1076-36858PYOTEFLATS9834NO1H.pdf (1.26 MB) 1077-37017WHISKEYRIVER9834NO2H.pdf (1.2 MB) 1078-PYOTEFLATSWELLSNO1HALLTHREE.pdf (907 KB)

Wow, thanks Charles. I am not familiar with the Whiskey River well. I was aware of the permits for the Pyote Flats wells, A-1250 and A-798, but this is the first I’ve heard about that Whiskey River… Sure appreciate your input, I’m trying to understand what’s going on.

The Maps attached to the Drilling Permits show 3 tracts of land being included in each the Pyote Flats 98-34 No. 1H and the Whiskey River 98-34 No. 2H.

Which tract or tracts is your interest in and how much interest is it?
