Pumping volumes

Does anybody know why pumping volumes can vary so much month over month ? My mother owns some mineral interest in Reeves county so for example one month an oil well pumps 6678 barrels and the same well the next month only pumps 2662 barrels make a big difference in her check

Howdy Blaze801,

I’ve found that some months all the days of the month don’t produce Oil/Gas. This could account for your problem. Also, if there is nearby drilling the Operator may shut your well in for a brief time. Additionally, the Operator may be doing some well work and cease pumping for a time. Several options to choose from concerning why there are discrepancies on volume.

Depending on the reservoir, this could be a natural decline. Quite possible that the majority of oil has been produced. Lots of reasons are possible but without more information any answers, like mine, are just speculation. If you will provide well name & location the participants in the forum may be able to give more accurate information.

Wells naturally decline over time. I think what you really mean is that there are different amounts of sales on different months. That is what is recorded on your statements. Pumpers do not always pick up the truckloads on the same day every month. Might have a different schedule, be ill, have vacation, weather events, come when the tank is reasonably full, etc.

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How long ago was the well drilled? If theres bounce back in production, they likely shut in the wells for a bit to complete offsetting wells but no matter what, the well/production will continue to rapidly decline after 9-18 months if not sooner, its just the nature of horizonatal drilling