Property Tax Appraisal - Protest?

Curious if anyone is protesting this Year's tax appraisal? Ours went up 10x over last year - a substantially bigger jump than we expected given the current oil pricing and projections we have seen. We are not sophisticated in this area and curious if others plan to protest or if have experience in the past to share. Thanks in advance for your input.

It's a good idea to always protest-- they can only say no.

Make sure research all the exemptions that you may qualify for…

David (or anyone else ) can you elaborate on how to search for exemptions I.e., what they might be and where to search? We do not own the land, only a small portion of the mineral rights. In answer to the question Mary posted, I did protest. I have seen my March royalty chk drop 2/3 in comparison to my Dec chk 2014 , even though the production was similar in Jan as to last October (royalty chks are paid two months in arrears) . I read somewhere on one of these forums that oil prices have dropped 40%, which I guess would explain it.

If I remember correctly, there is only one time of the year when you can appeal your tax. I had royalties for two years and when it ran out, a large exemption was performed by some law firm in Houston. Our mineral rights were zero because the well had been sealed up. You could probably call the county tax assessor and have them mail the paperwork to you.

First of all thanks for taking the time to reply
Sorry David if I was not clear regarding my question
I have filed an appeal but I am still confused about where to go to find out about any exemptions I might have?
And very confused by your statement about this “law firm who filed an exemption that caused your wells to be sealed up”??

I meant after the wells were no longer producing, I was billed as before when they ere producing. Right before the taxes were due, a law firm (I don’t know how the knew about our situation) files all the paperwork stating the value was zero. That was just my situation. I do not think that would be the normal way . as far as exemptions, you should contact the local county assessor., you would need too contact your county. For example, mineral rights might not have exemption, however land by itself may. Each situation.