Production results

Where can yearly production results be found?

You need to supply more information, such as well name, state, etc.

Todd…There use to be an OKC website that you could go to that would show the last 12 months of production. I was looking for a link to that site but i’m open to any info on Sprague #2-24 in sec 24 9N5W in Grady county with operator Raw Crude Oil & Gas LLC. who purchased the well from Crawley Petro around Dec 2020.

I know zero about OK public records.

This was the prod info for that well since mid-year 2022, showing up as “active” but no vols since July '23

Date Oil Gas
6/1/2022 0:00 0 211
7/1/2022 0:00 0 327
8/1/2022 0:00 0 323
9/1/2022 0:00 0 294
10/1/2022 0:00 0 104
11/1/2022 0:00 0 187
12/1/2022 0:00 0 215
1/1/2023 0:00 0 243
2/1/2023 0:00 0 216
3/1/2023 0:00 0 243
4/1/2023 0:00 0 220
5/1/2023 0:00 0 236
6/1/2023 0:00 0 218
7/1/2023 0:00 58 92

New OTC site.

Thank You!..

As far as I can tell Sprague #2 produced until the end on November and Raw Crude Oil shut it down December 2023 however, I have not been able to verify.
We originally thought Crawley shut down Sprague #2 as they had shut down Sprague #1 in 2019 but it appears that it was sold to Raw Crude Oil in December 2020. We have not received any correspondence from RCO and no royalties have been paid since the sale to RCO in December 2020.

I think M_Barnes provided the link to find Oklahoma production.

Thank You Todd…We have received some great information on the form from Martha & NMoilboy. Our next step is how do go about getting Raw Crude Oil to pay our back royalties. Any input is appreciated. Thx, LLoyd

Thank YOU Martha!

You always are so helpful and your help is always greatly appreciated. I just posted a response to NMoilboy as to where we are with the question about production on Sprague #2. Any input you might have as what we need to do from here to get paid by Raw Crude Oil is welcome.

Thanks again…Lloyd & Lea

Send a demand letter via certified mail return receipt requesting royalties from your last date of receiving back in 2020. It looks like DCP Operating was transporting the gas and Oklahoma Petroleum Allies were transporting the oil. The volumes reported are very low, so they might have been collecting the royalties until they reached a certain minimum ($100 is common). They are supposed to pay at least once a year. If you have your owner number and decimal from the first company, include it in your letter. The owner number will change with the new company, but they may need it for the conversion from the old company to the new. They well is likey to be shut in by now with numbers this low.

That will work…Will be sending a demand letter along with the additional information as you suggested the first of the week. Your assistance is greatly appreciated…Thank you Martha!