Production Halt due to New Drilling/Fracking

I am interested in getting some general as well as some specific information. I have mineral rights in Lea County. All well numbers noted are 30-025-. during the last three months, my paying wells, 50174, 44470-1 and 49591-3, have basically gone to nothing, I am guessing that the new wells, 44470-1 and 49591-3, which are in between the above wells, are in the process of being drilled and frac’d. If this is the case, how long before the original wells would start producing again? Would they come back? If they come back, would production be less? Any general info would be appreciated. Any specific info as to current drilling would also be appreciated Thanks

I had the same happen some years ago. It took about 90 days total for it all. Not sure if Covid had anything to do with slowing it down though? The old wells took about 30 days to get back to normal. So hopefully you should be in good shape soon if all goes well. :slight_smile: MK

All twelve of the Red Bud wells are online and have been online for a while, I don’t think there are any wells between your wells getting frac’d. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so, the wells you list “between your wells” have the same APIs as your wells (i.e. seems to me that they are the same wells). Based on public info there doesn’t seem to be any activity going on in offset units either. So no clue. I definitely see what are talking about, zero volumes at EOY 2023. Sorry, no help.

Call Ameredev and ask. Maybe?

As a general question though, yes offset fracs can screw up your wells short term, and possibly long term. Usually its just water/pressure and it just takes a while to pump it off, some times its sand or worse (tubular failure) though and that can be a real problem.

I use the NM OCD OIL AND GAS MAP for my info. My “in between” wells do not having been drilled. Is there other sources of free info?

I will contact Ameredev as these wells as well as several others do not have DO’s yet Thanks

The NMOCD is the source of pretty much all info that anyone has (outside the actual oil companies). But…I use non-free sources that display and aggregate the free public info, which makes it a whole lot easier. So I can search for “wells drilled in the past 12 months” or “wells frac’d in the last 12 months”. And see that nothing is going on.

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Here is Ameredev’s reply

Ameredev’s wells have been at reduced production since November 25, 2023

Piñon suffered a force majeure event at the end of November that shut down their plant and has prevented Pinon from accepting Ameredev’s produced gas.
The plant remains shut down and we are unsure when it will be back on-line.
Ameredev has been and is continuing to work to secure additional treating options from third-parties but does not know when those options will be available.

I have also experienced a period of a substantial drop in revenue from 1 well in sec17 T25S r36E. Since there are 11 Dilling permits issued to Ameredev in this section I assumed that activity is what had caused a drop in production. Does anyone have an understanding of the current status of the Dilling activity in this section. I ask because I am receiving offers from folk now wanting to buy my mineral interest. Is it probable that the many Drilling permits are about to be actually drilled with some hope of eventual completion?

I don’t see any activity there. It looks like the existing well was down in Jan and recovered in Feb '24.

I’d still assume the Dogwood permits will get drilled at some time (in the next 3.5 years before expiration), but no obvious sign that the time is just around the corner.

The Winkler County thread you originated is closed for comments. I wanted to share this frac report on the Jackrabbit well:

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