Production and value of mineral rights

I inherited 3 mineral acres in Mountrail County, ND. Township 158, Range 94 West, Section 14: West half of west half. I also inherited acres in McKenzie County, ND too. East 1/2 pf Section 24, Township 152N, Range 102 West and Lots 1,2,3 and 4 Section 19, Township 152N, Range 101 West. I had been getting maybe $300 a year more or less for many years. It seemed it wasn’t worth it since it almost cost that to file taxes on it every year since it had been put in a trust. I decided to sell them and before the sale got finalized I received a check for over $3000. Had never gotten that much before. The company paid me $2500 for the acres. It’s to late now but I’m wondering if I got taken advantage of? Also how much production is going on in that area now? Thank you.

You probably don’t really want to know.

Chord Energy is drilling a set of infill wells in sec 14/23 and 13/24 of 152N 102W. Rig is drilling as of early January.

Chord Energy has permitted several infill wells in sections 18/19of 152N-101W.

Buyers often swoop in right before drilling.

@Marcia_Hoplin you will need to speak with an attorney on this specific issue. If the company used deceptive practices to induce you into a sale, then there may be a course of action. Thank you for posting this even though it may have been painful. It will help many of the forum members to consider significant research prior to a sale. Good luck.