Can someone recommend an auditor to audit our wells in South Texas? Lease details provided by Pritchard and Abbott do not match up with data (acreage) on P-12 document in RRC website. Devon “analyst” stated she can’t explain the difference. Our lease operator has changed 5 times since inception. Thank you in advance.
Please supply details on your exact question. P&A determines 100% of the well value and then applies your royalty decimal (DOI) to set your tax valuation. If the well is valued at $500,000 and your royalty decimal is 0.00125, then you value will be $625. The operator send the DOI for all royalty owners to P&A. If the P&A DOI differs from your check DOI, then you can inform P&A and get that corrected. You need to do this during the 30 days after you receive the Appraisal Notice in the spring. P&A workpapers do not list or use acreage or the unit size. If you think you see the acreage on your workpaper, please note the line title and information. The original operator filed the P-12 with the well permit. Sometimes the final unit may be smaller or larger than the original acreage. Or the length of the horizontal lateral will change during drilling or completion. The unit acreage will determine your DOI. Alternatively, if it is an allocation well, then the DOI is based on the final productive lateral length as shown on the completion plat. You should verify the calculation of your DOI before sending back the division order.
My issue is not so much the appraisal (thank God for the Circuit Breaker rule) but for example, the lease details provided by P&A state the acreage for 3 of our wells as 41.16 acres each. Yet the P-12 in the RRC shows the acreage at 87, 75, and 71 respectively. Our wells have changed “Operator” five times over the last 10 years. Additional wells have been added over the years as well. When Devon says, “they don’t know why the acreage is different”, it had me thinking we might need to have an audit done. The lease detail provided by P&A stated three wells as “producing”, yet Devon stated they are shut in. These 3 wells plus another 2 were appraised together. I’m wanting an auditor to look over everything to ensure the latest Operator is in the up and up.
The P-12 is filed with the first well to note the total acreage. As additional wells are added to the unit or drilled on the same acreage and same field, then the acreage becomes divided (allocated) among the wells for proration purposes for RRC. This is for any oil and gas production limits. The acreage could be allocated evenly or it could be allocated more to higher producing wells and less to lower producing wells. It does not change your DOI in the unit or the wells. The total acreage will add up. You can find the proration acreage allocated to each well on the RRC website. Devon is a large company with many specialized departments from land to accounting to engineering to surface, etc. You would need to discuss this with someone who is knows about RRC proration reporting. If you post one of your RRC lease numbers or well api, you may get a more specific answer.
Thank you. 2 of the 9 wells have a different DOI. I will reach out to Devon again. 0.03237503 0.03237503 0.03237503 0.03237503 0.03237503 0.00076656 0.03237503 0.03237503 0.02815179
Susan, unfortunately P and A is only as good as the information that they are supplied. If you want to start on your own, then you will need to start gathering information from the RRC as well as your OGL records. This will help you start a review the DOI for each well. It can be a confusing process, so you may want to have professional assistance such as a landman. Good luck.