Primm Pad - Stella wells division order/payments

Has anyone received division orders or payments for the the Stella wells on the Primm Pad?

I have received division orders and back payments recently for other wells on this pad but not the Stella units.

It appears there have been sales from the Stella wells since September 2015.

The API numbers are 17-06563 and 17-06564.


The Stella 1 & 2 units did not begin production until Sept of 2015 and traditionally, AR takes 14 +/- months to make payment from date of production. I would hope you will begin receiving payment for those two legs soon.

Good Luck

Update: Received division orders for the Stella units today.

James, I received a D.O for the Stella Well just a couple of weeks ago, expect payment (maybe) the first of Dec.

James, Now I have a question for you: Have you received anything pertaining to D.O"s on the Washington and the Sheep Run Wells? "Mineral Owner" The Stella wells are on the same pad as the Hayden, Hardin, Bierstadt, Hileman, Sheeprun, and Washington wells, some were permitted in 2014, but most were permitted in 2015, which leads me to believe that when Antero drills in one area, they are going to finish that area, with only 5 rigs goings it would not pay to move to another area until finishing that area, Other wells are waiting> WHAT SAY YOU????

Washington, James and Bierstadt we received DOs and payment on. Washington and James in one mailing in June, Bierstadt in September, Stella on Nov 4. Not sure of the other wells, they may not be on our property but since you bring them up I will look at the maps. We received back payments for each well the next month after we returned the DOs. Also received a separate check on James and Washington for "late payment interest". These are first horizontal wells we have interest in so I'm learning, digging around on the net for permits, maps, production records, etc. From looking at the maps and production records, it appears to me they drilled wells counterclockwise around the southern side of the pad where our interest is and Stella may be the last well we have interest in. Some guessing on my part also, hope I'm wrong! BTW- From my research James wells are on the Robert Williams pad and Washington on the Fritz pad which I think are adjacent to Primm (on each side). Maybe.

Thanks James for answering my question on the Washington Well "guess I'am out on that one", My interest is border-line for the Sheep Run Well, but I should really be thankful for the other wells. Good Luck to You.

P.S. The well # for the Sheep Run Wells are 47-017-06557-06558.

James, did you explore the Sheep Run well, it's on the same pad as the Washington, Hayden, and Hileman wells.I talked with Heather at Antero in Denver about this well and she indicated that the D.O should be issued in Feb or March. The well No's are 017-06657 and 017-06658. I do have interest in this Well, as well as the others mentioned.

I did pull the permit and maps online. I'm not sure if I will have any interest in these wells or not by looking at the information. They may be south of my interest but I could have other interest I can't determine. Your information is good to know about the DO timing. I can hope to see a DO! Let me know when you receive the DO.

James, I have received payment for 5-wells so far on these wells that are on this pad. By the way, all are non-participating wells,so i did not get a bonus,and knew nothing about them until i received the D.O's. Bonus would have been nice but I'am very happy with the royalty.My Grandfather owned a lot of acreage with Dotson. It is very difficult to track when you don't have a lease to follow, permit, map etc.

I'm pretty sure all the wells we are getting royalty on (listed earlier) are all on one lease modification we did in 2014 on a 1957 lease my Grandfather signed. He had several mostly small fractional ownership properties and now we have them. Have signed several leases and modifications over the past 6 years but this is the only one paying so far. After all these years paying taxes it is great to be getting some payback! As you said very difficult for a novice to figure out the details. But I am learning.

James, the lease that your Grandfather signed will specify map and partial number's, so you should be able to match that info from the permits (map) that you have, and if the diagonal line goes through those partials your in. My Grandfather (Ramsey) also left my Mother and I lot's of small fractional interest also, God rest his soul, and we have been paying taxes on this interest for years, so your right, it's nice to get something back for a change.