Power of attorney clause in royalty sale contract

I decided to sell 25% of my royalty interest in one of my Martin county properties. I received a good offer (about 900 x monthly proceeds) but I am uncomfortable with a clause in the mineral and royalty deed. I have a non-participating royalty, and am selling 25% in the N/3 of the section in which I may have interest in the M/3 also. The clause in the deed reads:

"Grantor does also hereby irrevocably appoint and constitute Grantee as Grantor's Agent and Attorney-in-fact for the limited purposes only of executing division orders, transfer orders, correction conveyances, amendments of description, amendments of Grantor's capacity, including typographical errors, and all other instruments as may be necessary for this conveyance of interest, so that Grantee may act in Grantor's place and stead for these limited purposes only. Grantee is also given, through this provision, the authority to correct the description of the property being conveyed, if necessary, to show the actual description of the property as reflected by the county records in which the property is located. This is a Durable Power of Attorney and is not affected by the subsequent disability or incapacity of the principal."

My questions: Is this common language in boilerplate language in royalty deeds? Is it acceptable or potentially dangerous to the Grantor thereof?

I would never sign a document with this open-ended clause. You need to have an attorney carefully review the entire document to be sure that you understand all of the legal language and and that you are only conveying a portion of our NPRI. Be aware that the legal interpretation of specific wording is not always what seems logical to a reader who is not an attorney.

The language is one sided to benefit the buyer, however, this language is very common in mineral/royalty deeds. But it's always better to be safe than sorry. Best of luck with your sale.