Postcards Referencing Taxes In Counties in Texas

I have been receiving postcards in the past week from counties in TX where I have production. These refer to websites for each of the counties with estimated property taxes. Never received these before. What’s up? Likewise, if you have received postcards for TX production you have, what are they for? Does this mean that TX royalty owners won’t get an appraisal in the mail for properties where they have production…meaning the info will have to be downloaded?

These notices are a new requirement so you can see your estimated tax bill and plan accordingly. Too often owners are not prepared for the tax statements in the fall. You should have received Notice of Appraised Value for all your wells from the appraisal districts some time ago which provided time to protest the value.

Was this procedure imposed by the TX legislature? Which entity made it a requirement to provide an estimated tax bill? Why would a royalty owner not be prepared for paying taxes?

Interesting that when I type in some of the counties, particular browsers warn of a security threat. Some appear to be fine.

That’s interesting. I have production in 6 counties and have received several postcards and never got the old form from any of them. What might I be missing?

Some counties send them out to every owner, even if your accounts have such a low value (less than $500 between all accounts) that they are exempt from taxes (and wouldn’t receive an appraisal / value notice).

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