Pooling Question Oklahoma

So what happens when a Pooling Order is issued during the primary term of your Oil & Gas Lease, but the lease then expires before commencement of any drilling operations? I was not included on the pooling, and never received notification due to the lease in place. The lease then expired 9 days after the pooling election deadline.

As a general rule, if you were not listed as a respondent to a Pooling Order you are not subject to it. If a well has not commenced before you oil and gas lease expired, you are unleased. It sounds like you are free to execute a new lease. You now have really good data points from the bonus provided under the Pooling for negotiation.

If drilling did not commence during that timeframe, your lease expired. Because you were not named in the pooling, you are not bound by it. With this limited information, I would say your interest is unleased.

Sounds good…thank you!

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