Pooling Question / oil and gas interest

My interest is non participating royalty in the North 110 acres of SW/4 of Section 35, Block 32, T3N, T&P RR Co Survey, Howard County, TX

1SH, 2AH, 2SH, 3AH were joined with 1H in a pooling unit, documents dated in January of 2022.

Well 1H has been in production since August of 2017.

According to Surge Energy 1SH, 2AH, 2SH, 3AH first sale was December 15, 2022.

Completed Date 03/13/2022

Validated Date 12/16/2022

API : 22741539 GIS WELL NUMBER : 1SH

API : 22741540 GIS WELL NUMBER : 2AH

API : 227-41543 GIS WELL NUMBER : 2SH

API : 22741544 GIS WELL NUMBER : 3AH


API : 22739077 GIS WELL NUMBER : 1H

Question : On what date are mineral owners eligible to receive benefits?

Do they know you exist? Have you received a division order? Sometimes operators/producers are not aggressive in finding NPRI owners especially if there have been ownership changes through deaths etc rather than deeds, or if there is a break in address chains. Remember, they will invoke the 4 year statute on getting back royalties. So contact them immediately.

Under normal circumstances, the producer must pay the royalties 120 days after the end of the month of first production. (Texas Natural Resources Code, ยง91.402)

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