Pipeline compensation

I have been approached with proposal to run gas pipeline across my property unrelated to existing production on property. Can anyone clue me in on current $/rod compensation in the area? Just would like to have an idea of where to start in relation to their offer. Thank you

Be careful, once they can be on you they are there forever. It is like selling some of your land. The location of the pipeline can affect future use of your property, including uses not presently contemplated. For example, I would be opposed to a pipeline running diagonally across the center of my property. For ideas, you can find lots of examples of additional provisions attached to easements covering other lands filed in the County Clerk’s Office. Better yet, talk to an attorney if there is enough money involved.

Debbie: Email me @ lvaughn@ionet.net – going through the same process and interested where you are located… Thanks!

Thank you. Yes i have an attorney on board and have thought through location already. Was just looking for rough $ estimate of any currents to be able to negotiate knowledgeably.