Pine Wave Energy contact info? Panola County TX

I received division orders back in May which have the incorrect percentages, found by my attorney. Pine Wave will not return phone calls or emails to me or my attorney. The only contact info I have is their main number. Does anyone else have contact information? Or advise on next steps of action? Pine Wave is located in Fort Worth but the division orders are for wells in Panola County, TX. Thank you in advance for your help.

[ (RRC Org No 665648) PINE WAVE ENERGY PARTNERS OP,LLC 3100 MONTICELLO AVE NO 840 DALLAS TX 75205 Phone No: (806) 441-7044 Emergency: (940) 782-4868]

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You should send a certified letter to Pine Wave about the division order. You may want to check on whether your lease is included in the sale from Pine Wave to Silver Hill as that includes at least some of Pine Wave’s assets in Panola County. Pine Wave Energy and Silver Hill Reached an Agreement Over Haynesville Assets — Deal is Sealed


Thank you, I was able to make contact with Silver Hill and they have taken over and are sending me new division order with the correct percentages this week. Fingers crossed.

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