Permit activity

How can I find drilling permit activity that would include my mineral rights in WV. After a few years of slower drilling activity, we are receiving increasing offers to buy out our mineral right interest. What do they (those soliciting us) know and how can I find out. I’ve tried to use the WV DEP site but don’t know what to look for. I’d like to know who would be in our “pool”, what area the “pool” would encompass and any proposed well site. We are located in southern Harrison county, WV near the Lewis county line.

So you can go to the WV Department of Enviromental Protection Website and search oil and gas permits. Permitting is way down now, and the offers you are getting are likely speculative. Most mineral buyers, (full disclosure I work for one) make a heavy push to buy when prices are low and leasing is slow, because you have less competition from lease offers and people get nervous that drilling is done for good and sell cheap.

However, where you describe the minerals being located, there is a good chance you will be drilled soon. That area is in the Dominion storage field and the rights to drill the Marcellus in that area were conveyed to HG Energy. HG Energy has been actively trying to buy the rights of owners in the area prior to drilling so they do not have to pay royalties and therefore make more money once they drill.

Thanks. I’m guessing that they will drill somewhere along Jesse Run in Lewis county because the latest offer, from Tenmile land, mentioned it. The list of Lewis county permits that I found (only five) on WV DEP does have one that says HG has a Final Permit Evaluation Application, August 30, 2018. So thanks for the tip about HG.

Hi There,

Anyone got any information on potential drilling in Issac Creek WV???

Is we wanted to look at vale and possible selling of mineral rights, who can we contact? We are currently living overseas and don’t know who to contact.

Thanks in advance. Jason

HG has a permit for east of I79 near Lost Creek. Permit searches can be made from this WV DEP site. User name: DEP Password: DEP API # and then add 0000 after it.