Permian / Colgate - New MIPA Wells

Permian Resources is successor to Colgate Energy. Colgate drilled new MIPA Unit wells which started producing in October 2022. King David 131H; King David 221H; King David 132 H; King David 223H; Goliath 131H; Goliath 331H; Ramses 132H and Ramses 223H. Has anyone received division orders or been placed in pay for any of these wells?

I have the same question regarding the Jersey Lilly 17-7 wells drilled by Colgate last November. I understand they are producing and have been for a while. But not a word from Permian Resources on division orders or anyone receiving royalty checks? Would appreciate any info anyone has on these. Thx.

I have a family member that is receiving checks off and on from Goliath Mipa Unit 1H. He hasn’t received a check this year.

Jersey Lilly wells were spud in November 2022 began producing in March 2023. As it seems that Permian Resources has not sent out division orders for wells that began producing in October 2022, it is not surprising that you have not heard from Permian.

On different subject, Permian started making deductions from our payments in breach of our lease. When Centennial was our operator, in 5 years we never had this problem. Can anyone recommend a good plaintiffs’ attorney who has experience in successfully suing O/G operators?

Jana Rine. 972 439 2761 Has experience with Centennial

P. A. Lyon in Odessa has been very helpful to me over the years. His number is 432-363-1300. I will be contacting him myself if I don’t get an appropriate response from Permian.

TennisDaze, thanks for your reply. Curious that the Jersey Lilly 17-7 wells have been producing since March, yet I cannot locate any completion and/or production reports on the RRC website for these wells. Wouldn’t Permian Resources be required to submit those in a timely fashion? Or am I missing something?

i am an owner and have not received division orders. I did just receive a Joint Interst Billing Invoice and a copy of the Operating Agreement. I did send a few emails to Alexa Wold with Colgate several months ago asking for an update as to the Division orders and her comment was “It’s such a complicated project that they weren’t sure when they would sort it out…”. Interesting that they figured out a way to send me bill this past week

Robert Sullivan

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