Panola county

unit anyone heard about interest in 639.97 acres - Wiener 1H unit located in the Deadwood area of Panola County

Hi Mary!

I can look the Well up for you, but what do you want to know?

Charles Emery Tooke III

Certified Professional Landman

Fort Worth, Texas

thanks - this co. wants to buy and is offering 7,000 tptal for mineral rights. we have been receiving 100 a yr

Good Morning Mary. Before anyone can help you we need to know the exact location of your minerals in Panola County. We need to know the Section, Block or Abstract #. Exactly how many acres of minerals do you own? Does this acreage already have production on it? Are wells being drilled in the surrounding area? You need to make sure of what you have before committing to selling your minerals. There are some very good producing wells in Panola County. The Cotton Valley Sand and Haynesville Shale are 2 of the major producing formations in Panola County. Numerous natural gas wells are being drilled in East Texas at this time. With the opening of natural gas export terminals on the Texas and Louisiana Gulf coast a lot of natural gas is being shipped overseas.

Clint Liles

good morning. first let me tell you i am very dumb on any of this. all i ever knew from my mom was to lease and never sell. the original money i stated was per telephone coversation with a landman representing an individual investor. this involves 639.97 acres located in the p.r. wilson survey A-750, S.K. Youngblood survey A-791, S.W. Mimms survey A-449 and W.M. Herrin survey A-314,panola county,tx and further described in declaration of pooled unit recorded in book 1536,pg 164 of the deed records of panola county. This info was from PetroQuest Energy LLC in lafayette,la dated may 18,2017. the landman that has now contacted me was vague and only wanting my info from last 2 checks, i have not called him back. i so appreciate your help

Panola County A-449, 750 and 791:

Mary, PetroQuest has an approved permit(365-38351)September 01, 2017 to drill a Horizontal Cotton Valley gas well beginning in A-750 and ending in A-449. They also have submitted another permit for well 365-38352 but the permit has not been approved yet.

Your Mother was wise telling you not to sell these minerals....I forgot to circle A-314 on the GIS Map but it is to the left of A-791/449..

Link to approved permit for well 365-38351:

GIS Map of Panola County A-449, 750, 791 and surrounding area:


Clint Liles

Hi Mary, Hi Clint!

Mary, if you own all of the minerals in the 639.97 acres, $7,000 is only something like $11.00 an acre.

I will look the Wells up when I get back from lunch, but I think Clint was right when he said your Mother was wise to advise you to never sell.

Anytime someone is vague about these things, be wary of them.

Mary, I looked up the name "Mary Phillips" in the State of Texas' Mineral Tax Rolls and found that name in 245 producing or recently producing oil and gas wells.

In order to narrow down which ones are yours, which of the following are you:

Mary Jo Phillips

Mary Lou Phillips

Mary Lou Box Phillips

and what is your present address and what might have been your addresses in the past?

mary lo

I see where you wrote "mary lo". Is that Mary Jo or Mary Lou?

im sorry for delay but my computer was doing some updating and i could not do anything. mary lou phillips and mary lou box phillips. 1333 w lake dr 77336 and 3816 washington st 77306. charles when i looked at my previous reply it showed the mary lo you spoke about - i dont know what happened because i certainly did not just type mary lo and stop. ghost in computer

charles did you see my reply of name and addresses. this was regarding mineral tax rolls and the 245 oil and gas wells

I have now.

My apologies, but Charter Cable & Internet has been all kinds of haywire in the entire DFW area this weekend, so I am only just now able to see my emails.

This might not be something to discuss on the Open Forum Page. If you would like to discuss it more privately, click on my name where is shows up in BLUE above, and then click on Send a Message. You will see that you have to send me an Invitation to become A Friend on The Forum in order to send each other messages directly.

Do that and I will accept your invitation and we can discuss your circumstances more privately. Still on The Forum, just more privately.


And somebody wish me a Happy Birthday!


Thank you, LT! Nuggies to your PuppyKitty.

Mary Lou, I received your Invitation to become A Friend on The Forum, but it did not appear to complete or something. You want to try again?

Happy Birthday Charles....and many more to come. And this is Number______.

Clint Liles

62, as of 7:25 PM yesterday, Oct 1st.