Ownership and title

Me and my sister inherited minerals in Upton sec 47 bl 41 tp5. We need to find a lawyer that will work on contingency

What type of work do you need? If litigation, you may be able to find that depending on the issue and how much you own. If determining ownership or clearing title, what would the contingency be based on? Selling or leasing? These are all very different scenarios. If you can share more, you will get better advice.

The Directories tab above has a listing of attorneys. You do not have to have one in Upton, but they do have to be licensed in TX.

Thank you for the response. We inherited forty individual land lots of minerals interest throughout Texas. After doing so investigating I found that properties in winkler, Upton and ward counties. We have a mineral deed from my dad. The problem when my great uncle sold his share, his affidavit of heirship claimed he was the last living sibling. My grandfather died 20 years after him, but told my dad about the mineral rights from my great grandmother. I was told by an agent from SM energy and EOG resources told me I have to adjudicate the heirship in court. I have an offer from patch energy for winkler section 30 block 27 of $5500 for each of us. Can you give me any advice.