Ownership and title

I own mineral interest in Sec 214 blk 34, specifically N/4 W/4 and SW/2 S/4. I have a deed that looks like it covers the N/4 W/4 subject to several severences. My question is “does the legal description look like it also covers the SW/2 S/4?. I have 2 division orders for each area and want to make sure the severances are being calculated correctly. Thank you for your help. image

The legal description as attached states that it is limited to a tract within the N/4 of W/4. It is incomplete as it should at least have language along the lines of “and containing XXX acres, more or less.” Also when you mention severances or other limitations, then those need to be reviewed to determine what you own. Do you have another deed for the same section? Or a legal description for a second tract in this same deed? The W/4 of the section would contain about 160 acres and the N/4 of W/4 would contain about 40 acres and your tract seems to be only a portion of the 40 acres. The S/4 of the section is separate would also contain 160 acres and you need a second legal description.

Thank you for your reply. Did you get the private message I sent Monday?