Oklahoma Mineral Rights Probate

Here is my situation, my grandmother was one of 15 children. She was born in 1880. Recently, heirs have been notified of potential mineral rights. Several years back a few of her siblings heirs filed probate papers dividing mineral rights among the heirs, 2 or 3 generations out. She was not included in the probate filed. Her other siblings were or their heirs were listed. How can this be corrected? I have documents that prove her relationship to the others listed in the probate. Should I wait to see what the leasing company comes up with or get an attorney? What type of documents need to be filed to add her to the list of siblings and get the proper percentage of mineral rights assigned to her heirs?

You need to hire a lawyer to review all of the pertinent documents and if what you say is correct, then the Probate can be re-opened to “correct the record”. You don’t just add someone to a list. My first couple of questions to the information you listed is, Who’s estate was Probated and was there a Will? You might choose to wait to see what the landman comes up with due to the money involved vs acreage involved.

Thank you, Todd, I think you are right to wait to see what the landman comes up with in his search. There were no Wills or probates filed for the 4 siblings estates that were probated. Thanks again.

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